Pyaavs were patronized by family members of the deceased or generously donated to the city for provision of drinking water to commuters. Both philanthropic efforts
have the common selfless intention of quenching the thirsty.
Cowasjee Jehanghier Fountain, Mazagaon On
The stormy night of 1864, a certain Henry from the Municipal Corporation had a sad sad fall,
In his remembrance was built a pyaav, unique in style with lion faces, nice slender and tall,
Least we forget, it still stands there half buried, still breathing with a quest for life!
Rao Bahadur Keshavji Nathoo Sailor Pyaav, Yellow Gate Police Station
Pyaav that dispensed water now houses the divine, the structure has been retrofitted into a
shrine but was originally born to be fountain.
Furdoonjee Jeejeebhoy Pyaav, Opposite to Bharatmata Cinema, Lower Parel
Once Heritage Beauties, but some are now history.
Beloved Pyaavs leading into despair.